Welcome to Backyard Garden Tips where our mission is to help you in your quest to make your backyard gardens more beautiful and overflowing with abundant fruits and vegetables. We’ve tried to make this site easy to use by providing a search function at the top right corner of each page, and categorizing everything so if there is a particular gardening category you’re interested in, you can see all the information posted in that category. Don’t forget to sign up for the monthly newsletter at the top right, jam packed with gardening tips and ideas each month delivered straight to your inbox.

We look forward to exchanging gardening information and ideas with each and everyone of you to spark creativity, beauty and abundance in neighborhood backyards far and near. You can find out more about why Backyard Garden Tips was created, and the knowledge and experience you can gain. So join in the conversations, share your thoughts and gardening issues, and pass this great gardening information along to your family and friends so they can share the beauty and abundance in their backyard gardens. The comment section below is waiting for your gardening thoughts, ideas, and questions.

Happy Gardening!

