Hello and welcome to Backyard Garden Tips! I have wanted to create a site like this for quite some time, and now I’ve finally put all my thoughts and creativity into the development of this gardening resource site. I look forward to sharing great gardening information with you; the old time-tested methods as well as the newer time-saver methods.

As you stroll through the Backyard Garden Tips site, you’ll find a wealth of information garnered from my own personal experiences in addition to other gardening experts. You’ll also enjoy comments and tips from other backyard gardeners who have a tremendous amount of experience to share too. That is what makes gardening fun; experimenting, sharing and learning from year to year, season to season. Please enjoy and share the videos, pictures, and informative text created to help you bring beauty and abundance to your gardens and communities!

I’m counting on your help to enhance the site by sharing your own personal experiences and knowledge about gardening in your local area through the comment section located at the bottom of each page. With the combined knowledge and information from many, I know the Backyard Garden Tips site will add to everyone’s  gardening experiences and enjoyment; whether you are a beginning gardener, or a seasoned veteran.

If you have any questions or needs, please don’t hesitate to ask. I’ll get back to you myself or find the answers for you. All I ask in return is that you help Backyard Garden Tips become a go-to-source of gardening information for all gardeners by participating in discussions and passing on the links and information to your family and friends.

Your Fellow Gardening Companion,

Val Shoopman
Passionate gardener and nature lover!

Val’s Gardening Bio:

  • Backyard Gardener for past 30 years and far into the future
  • Plant and Produce Vendor, Warsaw Farmer’s Market, Warsaw MO
  • 2 years experience in large greenhouse & nursery with certified horticulturist
  • Licensed and inspected nursery stock grower, ongoing until I can grow no more!

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